Backwater Blues

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Backwater Blues

In the periphery, life is hard, resources are scarce, but luckily the succession wars rarely effect us. unfortunately pirates are a huge problem.

    Rolling those dice

    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    Rolling those dice  Empty Rolling those dice

    Post by Tau Prime Wed May 31, 2023 11:09 pm

    The question of skills checks and saves has kind of come up, so I figured I’d post what’s required for each one.

    Skill check (trained) : 2d6 vs target number
    Skill check (untrained) : 3d6 keep 2 lowest vs target number
    Skill check (opposed) : rolls as above vs skill check of opposing character

    Auto fail/success (trained) : roll of 2 auto fails/roll of 12 auto succeeds
    Auto fail/success (untrained) : if 2 dice roll 1s auto fail/if all three dice roll 6s the skills auto succeeds

    Save checks : if the player wishes to do something that isn’t covered by a skill, determine what characteristic the action falls under for your target number. Roll 3d6 taking the two highest rolls and to compare against the target number.

    Save check auto fail/success : if all three dice roll 1s action fails/ if 2 dice roll 6s action has critical success.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:54 pm