Backwater Blues

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Backwater Blues

In the periphery, life is hard, resources are scarce, but luckily the succession wars rarely effect us. unfortunately pirates are a huge problem.

    Interesting Times


    Posts : 82
    Join date : 2021-06-03

    Interesting Times Empty Interesting Times

    Post by WinterRose Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:12 am

    Hokay.  I am done with my morning moments of terror today.  Got shanghaied to PlayOnCon in Alabama last week and needed to recover some from being around people.  Happily it was WAY out in the middle of nowhere at a 4H location used as a summer camp.  So boardgaming AND camp activities.  And happily, everyone had to submit a verified vaccination card before you could attend.  That said, I hadda recharge my people and social batteries since then.  I feel I'm back up to snuff.  Mostly.

    I've been job hunting for the last year and a half.  And had to download an application on my phone to be able to file my continuing unemployment certification this week, as the NC Department of Commerce site is for shit.  As well, I attended a seminar for what was supposed to be a Content Writer position this morning.  As it turned out, it was a bait and switch for an Insurance Company that had to trick people into the door to start trying to get em fired up for selling insurance on commission.  Reported the contact to fraud at, as well as the FTC.  I'm freakin' job hunting here. (5 or 6 applications this morning alone.)  Ain't I got enough to contend with?

    I'm listening to crickets.  Not metaphorical ones you hear in moments of internet silence.  Actual ones from the cricket bin my sweetie feeds her Australian Dumpy Tree Frogs.  Our girly in there has recovered from a bacterial infection, and seems to be eating again.  So chalk up another win.  ^_^!!  They're cute as anything.

    Interesting Times 22058710

    That's Ravioli.  Her roomie is a male she named Calzone.

    Did me a few shirts for TeePublic this week, which store you can find here:

    If you want an idea of the non-political weirdness and geekery I tend to favor, I'm still quite active on Tumblr here:  (THE SAFE FOR WORK BLOG)

    I'm really kind of all over the place this morning.  But approaching a better mindset for the weekend.  Not that I can tell so much... 1.5 years of self-imposed quarantine and unemployment has half destroyed any kind of time sense I have.  But I'm doing my part as far as that's concerned.  I don't have to panic again til early September when federal unemployment runs out without further legislation.  When I turn 50.  

    And a bit of weirdness there?  Get this.  I married a woman about 9 years younger than me.  Born in 1980.  So we joke about that a bit.  And it doesn't hit me hard cos how old this very adult woman was in the 80's is an abstract.  She'll go, "I was in graaaade school when you graduated." and I'll have a shudder.  But one of my best pals in High School had two younger sisters.  His youngest sister graduated in 1999.  Which makes her... a year younger than my wife.  This is a woman I can remember being able to pick up bodily over my head when I was in middle school.  And she's of an age with my wife.  THAT SHIT HITS DIFFERENT NOW DOESN'T IT?  Ugh.

    Just kinda babbling and Second Life-ing and generally trying to de-stress from the 'brain won't shut up about the money thing' worries that had me up til 2 or 230 last night.

    More as the situation develops...

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