Backwater Blues

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Backwater Blues

In the periphery, life is hard, resources are scarce, but luckily the succession wars rarely effect us. unfortunately pirates are a huge problem.

    making that character

    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    making that character Empty making that character

    Post by Tau Prime Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:12 pm

    again we'll start with the first edition Mechwarrior rules to make a character (found here ).

    my first rules for making a character are:

    no mech warriors  
    no aerospace pilots
    no clan warriors

    This would mean your allocation for making a character 0 is dispossessed  and 1 is human

    the exception would be with a good background and understanding that you would be in the ranks of the Dispossessed, ie a mechwarrior or pilot who no longer possesses a mech or aerospace fighter.

    this is where it starts getting tricky for me i guess, and part of why id like to use GURPS, make a character relevant to the setting. of course you could be a dispossessed mechwarrior pilot, who had left their House, or mercenary company, a deserter from the 3rd succession war, an explorer, or even an agent for one of the Houses, Periphery powers, Bandit organizations, or Comstar.

    you could be a journalist, a cop, a mechanic, technician, miner, scavenger, a farmer looking for a different life, etc

    i didn't want to give away a whole lot of information about the planet you're on, in case someone chooses to be from off world. but understand that being from Urilon offers little choices about what to be. however if you would like to to be a mechwarrior from Urlion, there are very few ways in which you can become one. so that would have to be discussed in a private forum.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:47 pm