Backwater Blues

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Backwater Blues

In the periphery, life is hard, resources are scarce, but luckily the succession wars rarely effect us. unfortunately pirates are a huge problem.

4 posters

    The presentation

    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    The presentation Empty The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:46 am

    After setting up the holo-projector and computers a flickering image of the planet appears, slowly becoming more and more solid as an image.

    “alright everyone take your seats. We have a lot to get through.” Say a tall thin man in the robes of ComStar. “I’m Jacob Riley, I’ll spare you the normal introductions given by my order, suffice it to say I am a specialist in computer hardware and software engineering. A few of you may remember I transferred here from the inner sphere seven years ago. While not my specialty, information recovery and forensics is something I have become quite adept at since coming to Urilon.”

    He looks across the room and motions to a fat balding man who is sitting with the rest of UPDF contingent, “Engineer Badot, would please present your findings?”

    The man waddles to the holoprojector, “Uhhhh thank you Mr Riley.” He coughs and seems to shuffle nervously at first, “Mr Riley and I were the ones tasked with looking over the crashed ships sensory logs, computer banks, and audio and visual recordings. And thanks to some excellent work by Mr Riley and the technology ConStar has at its disposal we were able to cross reference my findings through accessing the planetary satellite defense grids visual controls.”

    A very short blurry projection plays on repeat.

    “This is what I found at first it’s hard to tell what it is but through much discussion we hypothesized this video from the crashed dropship shows another coming extremely close to the our crashed ship.”

    A highlighted section of video plays, it’s exactly the same video on it seems that the blur they suspect being another ship is lit up.

    The man coughs again, “thanks to Mr Riley and ComStar we were able to access this video which is much longer and coming from the satellite defense grid.”

    A new video begins to play, this one is clearer though it does seem the camera lens is dirty, but it’s clear as day the Union Class drop ship is coming into view, as it gets closer and closer a second ship becomes visible, looking as though it’s is trying to hide behind the other. As they both close in on the defense grid camera, the other ship, one both of you would recognize as a leopard class drop ship, takes off, almost sideswiping the larger dropship and then speeding off coming extremely close to another satellite, which fires some lasers at it, and striking at least once. However still in view is the main ship moving out of its flight path and and the very satellite, the video was recorded from, firing a missile and striking the ship, causing the rest of the events everyone is familiar with.

    He coughs again, “It seems ladies and gentlemen we have an unknown on the planet.” He looks around the room as if he pausing for dramatic effect. “As we can see in the video there are no identifying markings or insignias upon this smaller ship. We however do suspect pirates.” Again he pauses, possibly for effect. “The crashed ships sensor logs do record the second, as an immediate dangerous object, right before the change of course and subsequent attack coming from the planetary defense grid. Thank you.”

    The man leaves the videos playing on repeat and begins to waddle back to his seat.

    (More to come)
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:57 pm

    Moments later Jacob Riley, freezes the image upon the Leopard class drop ship.

    “From what we can make out in the video, this Leopard appears to be an older stock model, it can carry a lance of light or medium mechs and two aerospace fighters. Assuming it hasn’t been modified. We assume it has been equipped with some form of sensor jamming equipment as our ship and crew were completely unsafe if its presence until it was completely too late.”

    He replays the video, “The pilot of the Leopard is also quite skilled, and we believe the near collision was meant to drive our ship off course and destroy it, but we have no proof of such intent. We are surmising, due to lack of communication, and the intentional nature of how the Leopards pilot stayed hidden until they had an opportunity to get through the small breach in the planetary defense grid. Again this makes us believe it is pirates or some other force who are either using Urilon as a staging ground or planning a raid.”

    The video stops playing and Riley changes the images to those from the crash site, many still photos, cycle through reminding everyone, of the horrors that transpired that day, but before they get to the fighting that started, an image of a man dress in gmar clothing appears.

    “This man is an unknown. He was seen watching but not helping, and when a member of the Medical staff approached him, he quickly made his leave. This video comes from a lucky capture from the crashed ship, one of the cameras on the external sensor bank was still operational.”

    A short video plays, of the man in gmar garb is seen standing, arms folded leaning up against a cart. He impassively surveys the area, and a young UPDF soldier, wearing a medics armband approach him, they seem to say a couple of words to one another, then the man makes his leave as the soldier stands there watching him walk away. You may make a perception check (please tell me how many points you make it by if you succeed)

    Last edited by Tau Prime on Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:35 pm

    As the equipment is being set up, Beau realizes this may not exactly be the stupid BS he was starting to expect, and is more like a briefing. As such, his old instincts and training start kick in.

    He leans over to Grant and whispers "This kinda looks a little like a military briefing...".

    As the video starts, he pays particularly close attention, and when the holo freezes, he pays very intent attention to the details of the drop ship, trying to spot any identifying marks or insignia.

    When Riley pauses to show the unknown gmar man, Beau automatically starts thinking of him as "the target". He quickly starts noting details about the target's apperance, especially his face, commiting them to memory. He continues to do so as the short video plays.

    Perception check - I need 6+.
    5+1 = 6, so I make it right on the dot.

    I'd also like to make another perception roll to spot any identifying marks or insignia or other details on the Leopard....

    Posts : 82
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by WinterRose Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:15 pm

    AhhhhHAH! Pilgrim does not say aloud.  No one on the ground hacked a sat and shot at us.  Whoever that was in the Leopard drew aggro and we were in its range.  Intentionally, or trying to creep in within our FF shadow?  Intentional or sloppy, I got words for that pilot!

    Watching the leopard peel off in the film, Pilgrim tries not to be distracted by what guns it opened up on the sat with before changing to the crash site and the Not-helpy-guy...  Ohhh, if that fella's a plant, he's a good one.  I didn't catch it.  I mean fair dues... I did just fall from orbit in a several thousand-ton non-aerodynamic fusion reactor.  I'm allowed.  Did I see that guy?

    Level 1 - Perception (Mental 6) - Base Skill Target = 5 or better
    On 2d6 I hit a 5+5=10  So 5 over a base success.

    Last edited by WinterRose on Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Rolled 3d6 instead of Two.)
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:32 pm

    Beau wrote:As the equipment is being set up, Beau realizes this may not exactly be the stupid BS he was starting to expect, and is more like a briefing. As such, his old instincts and training start kick in.

    He leans over to Grant and whispers "This kinda looks a little like a military briefing...".

    As the video starts, he pays particularly close attention, and when the holo freezes, he pays very intent attention to the details of the drop ship, trying to spot any identifying marks or insignia.

    When Riley pauses to show the unknown gmar man, Beau automatically starts thinking of him as "the target". He quickly starts noting details about the target's apperance, especially his face, commiting them to memory. He continues to do so as the short video plays.

    Perception check - I need 6+.
    5+1 = 6, so I make it right on the dot.

    I'd also like to make another perception roll to spot any identifying marks or insignia or other details on the Leopard....

    Grant nods at you and says in a some hushed words, “Yeah, ComStar folks are some Military types that seem to worship old tech or some such, and considering the nature of the planet losing it’s only working space faring vessel, they seem to be quite serious about addressing the situation and avoiding planetary war.”

    The vessel in question is quite unremarkable, you’ve seen quite a few Leopards back during your days in the inner sphere, but this one stands out only in that it has no insignias, no house, military, or mercenary colors, the ship from what you’re able to see doesn’t even have a name or serial number painted on the outside.

    As for the gmar man, he looks just like all of them, living amongst the scavengers, you rarely interacted with the gmar, but when you did, it was often to deliver scrap goods and trade for food and other supplies. The thing that stands out about this man is that his left hand and possibly his arm are a robotic prosthetic. And from what you’ve seen from the gmar, they never use anything remotely that high tech.
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:37 pm

    WinterRose wrote:AhhhhHAH! Pilgrim does not say aloud.  No one on the ground hacked a sat and shot at us.  Whoever that was in the Leopard drew aggro and we were in its range.  Intentionally, or trying to creep in within our FF shadow?  Intentional or sloppy, I got words for that pilot!

    Watching the leopard peel off in the film, Pilgrim tries not to be distracted by what guns it opened up on the sat with before changing to the crash site and the Not-helpy-guy...  Ohhh, if that fella's a plant, he's a good one.  I didn't catch it.  I mean fair dues... I did just fall from orbit in a several thousand-ton non-aerodynamic fusion reactor.  I'm allowed.  Did I see that guy?

    Level 1 - Perception (Mental 6) - Base Skill Target = 5 or better
    On 2d6 I hit a 5+5=10  So 5 over a base success.

    As a note: saves use 3d6 taking the highest two dice. Skills are straight 2d6 and must be above your target number.

    You don’t remember seeing the man in question, and your examination of the images of him, you notice that he must be plant, as he has a robot prosthetic left arm, and has a sheathed laser pistol on his side. From the research you’ve done these past week, you know the agrarian people on the planet, are largely an offshoot of the old earth Amish religion, and they shun modern technology.

    Posts : 82
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by WinterRose Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:45 pm

    Hmmm... Hamish the Aymish doesn't need that kinda hardware for milkin' cows... And with radioactive zones, this ain't Amish paradise.  (OH YES HE DID!)  He's right to point that fellow out.  He's only passably dressed non-descript.  Fine for an emergency thing where no-one's going to look twice.  Don't mind me.  Just a looky-loo.  And he's not going back to any amish kinda farm with an arm like that.  He's got a different cover most days I bet.  Or if he's a farm hand, the locals might gossip about him.  If he's got a different cover or a cover-story built, he took a dumb chance coming out there in that getup.  Something was important enough for him to take that chance.  

    "He's reporting or recording information for someone else." she says under her breath. and lets the speaker continue.

    Maybe for the folk on that Leopard that got us shot down...  So how'd Hamish get here?  And where'd he go?, she thinks.


    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:47 am

    Beau looks at Teo and Grant
    "Y'all caught that, right? I didn' think them Gmar folks were much for that kinda thang...."
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:14 pm

    Beau wrote:Beau looks at Teo and Grant
    "Y'all caught that, right? I didn' think them Gmar folks were much for that kinda thang...."

    Grant looks confused, while Teo leans in and says, “Right? Never seen one with a vibro blade and a laser pistol.”

    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:25 pm

    "The arm as well Teo. Grant, that ol' boy had a mechanical arm...."

    Beau pauses and then adds "That Leopard was off as well. I can't remember seein' a drop ship sterilized like that."

    When he sees that Grant and Teo look like they didn't quite understand that last bit*, he goes on.

    "See, when a military unit wants to opearte covert, they'll 'sterilize' their uniforms and gear and vehicles and so forth - no name, no rank, no colors, no identifying marks at all. Nothin' that can be used to ID where they come from. That drop ship was a Leopard class, and it didn't have anythang of that sort - not even a serial number. That ain't right somethins up - I don't like this. Not at all."

    *OOC: I'm assuming they aren't familiar with a military term like that.
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:08 am

    WinterRose wrote:Hmmm... Hamish the Aymish doesn't need that kinda hardware for milkin' cows... And with radioactive zones, this ain't Amish paradise.  (OH YES HE DID!)  He's right to point that fellow out.  He's only passably dressed non-descript.  Fine for an emergency thing where no-one's going to look twice.  Don't mind me.  Just a looky-loo.  And he's not going back to any amish kinda farm with an arm like that.  He's got a different cover most days I bet.  Or if he's a farm hand, the locals might gossip about him.  If he's got a different cover or a cover-story built, he took a dumb chance coming out there in that getup.  Something was important enough for him to take that chance.  

    "He's reporting or recording information for someone else." she says under her breath. and lets the speaker continue.

    Maybe for the folk on that Leopard that got us shot down...  So how'd Hamish get here?  And where'd he go?, she thinks.

    Give me an intuition check a 2d6 roll
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
    Join date : 2021-05-31

    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:12 am

    Beau wrote:"The arm as well Teo. Grant, that ol' boy had a mechanical arm...."

    Beau pauses and then adds "That Leopard was off as well. I can't remember seein' a drop ship sterilized like that."

    When he sees that Grant and Teo look like they didn't quite understand that last bit*, he goes on.  

    "See, when a military unit wants to opearte covert, they'll 'sterilize' their uniforms and gear and vehicles and so forth - no name, no rank, no colors, no identifying marks at all. Nothin' that can be used to ID where they come from. That drop ship was a Leopard class, and it didn't have anythang of that sort - not even a serial number. That ain't right somethins up - I don't like this. Not at all."

    *OOC: I'm assuming they aren't familiar with a military term like that.  

    Teo looks at you and responds, “Yeah I saw the arm, but he could have been a convert with that. The vibro and laser pistol wouldn’t be anything even a convert would have on them.”

    OOC: yeah neither of them seem to understand that term.

    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:40 am

    Beau noddls agreement and says "Yeah, Teo, there's a lot here that just don't add up."

    Then he looks at Grant and asks "What do you think about all this? I thought this was supposed to be more some sort of negotiation thing. It sure don't sound like any kinda negotiatin..."
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:28 am

    Beau wrote:Beau noddls agreement and says "Yeah, Teo, there's a lot here that just don't add up."

    Then he looks at Grant and asks "What do you think about all this? I thought this was supposed to be more some sort of negotiation thing. It sure don't sound like any kinda negotiatin..."

    Grant looks over at you and takes a sip of water, “I think they are presenting facts that will make everyone more willing to negotiate, plus I think they have some plan of action that of course requires us to work together. But that’s just the read I’m getting.”

    Posts : 82
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by WinterRose Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:54 pm

    Give me an intuition check a 2d6 roll

    4+1 = 5 + Intuition 6 = 11
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

    Posts : 399
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:26 pm

    WinterRose wrote:
    Give me an intuition check a 2d6 roll

    4+1 = 5 + Intuition 6 = 11

    You rolled a 5

    There’s something about the man dressed as gmar but you juts can’t place your finger on why he seems out of place.
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:38 pm

    One other thing that both of you would notice, is that the man seen speaking with the man dress in the gmar garb sits in this very room with you all. He’s the young UPDF lieutenant sitting next to Dr Indara.

    Pilgrim will also recognize him as the medic that helped her find and rescue some of the other crew members and escape the crashed ship.

    He currently looks quite ill, and as you find your eyes upon him, he gets up and softly staggers out of rh meeting hall. The two officers with him, shake their heads in disapproval as he leaves, and the men doing the presentation, silently wait for him to leave before continuing.

    Adept Riley, clears his throat, “So, as I was saying, the man is unknown to us, and currently we have sent others out to find him, but so far we have had no luck. We believe it is imperative that we find this man.”

    A few moments pass as he types upon the keyboard. “Now we have another person in interest.” A picture of the reported Annika Petrov appears upon the holo-projector. “This is the investigative journalist Annika Petrov. She works for the Urilon Planetary News Network, and she has gone missing as of nine days ago. Her editors claimed she was going to meet a source outside the city, they believed at a diner in the sprawl outside Relic, called Silvers. We checked the records of her work phone, but she had no recent calls, texts, or file, so we are working under the mind that she has a secondary communicator. If we can find that or anyone who has had contact with her, who she may have used that device to communicate with, it would give us some lead. We know, from her editors, she was looking into the crash.”

    He looks around the room, “Any Questions?”


    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:42 pm

    Is the young UPDF lieutenant the same one who appeared to be intoxicated earlier?
    And does he look "quite ill" as in hungover or as in actually sick?
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:06 pm

    Beau wrote:OOC:
    Is the young UPDF lieutenant the same one who appeared to be intoxicated earlier?
    And does he look "quite ill" as in hungover or as in actually sick?

    OOC: Yes.

    Looks ill, like he looks like he drank to much and might vomit.

    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:16 pm

    OOC: Well damn, there goes my initial question... LOL

    Just so I'm clear...
    Other than saying they exchanged a few words, the Adept hasn't said anything more specific about what was said between the two.

    And they didn't seem to recognize each other, is that correct?

    Nothing's been said about the gmar's "unusual" features?

    If my math is correct, it's been two and a half to three weeks since Annika Petrov's interview. I assume that's aired and is common knowledge....
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:52 pm

    Beau wrote:OOC: Well damn, there goes my initial question... LOL

    Just so I'm clear...
    Other than saying they exchanged a few words, the Adept hasn't said anything more specific about what was said between the two.

    And they didn't seem to recognize each other, is that correct?

    Nothing's been said about the gmar's "unusual" features?

    If my math is correct, it's been two and a half to three weeks since Annika Petrov's interview. I assume that's aired and is common knowledge....


    The Adept did not specify what they spoke about, and there is no audio. The two men did not seem to actually know one another. (You can make a perception check since you are asking about that interaction)

    As of now the presenter has not mentioned the gun, vibro blade, or his arm.

    And yes it’s right around three weeks since your interview.

    Posts : 131
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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Beau Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:00 pm

    Roll: 5, 5 for a 10.
    Well over the 6+ I needed. Smile

    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:19 pm

    Beau wrote:Roll: 5, 5 for a 10.
    Well over the 6+ I needed. Smile

    OOC: this is a little retroactive

    IC: While the video plays the interaction between the gmar man and the UPDF Medic, it’s plainly obvious that they don’t really know one another, and as the gmar man walks away, the medic looks confused and acts like he might go after him, but doesn’t move.  

    Outside of the video you notice that the main representative, from the UPDF
    , looks at the young Lieutenant very annoyed.

    Last edited by Tau Prime on Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by WinterRose Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:47 pm

    Oh no you don't young man. thinks Pilgrim. She leans over to the preceptor and whispers, "That young sickly Lt. that just staggered himself out? The one on camera with the Farmer Lasergun? We may, if possible, want to see that he makes it to the infirmary. He was helping me with the wounded at the crash site."

    Pilgrim then raises her hand regarding questions. ""Is there some footage from Miss Petrov I can review later? It might help to monitor for any possible secondary communicator if we know her voice."
    Tau Prime
    Tau Prime

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

    Post by Tau Prime Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:47 pm

    Adept Riley looks towards Pilgrim, “Adept Mortimer. Alas we do not have any video footage from Miss Petrov at this moment. But there is an archive upon the UNN holo-page. If you can not find any of her reports, please let me know. We can always request them from the network.”

    The moment Riley stops talking an abrupt voice comes from the back the back of the room, “This is all well and good, but I’m not really seeing what this missing reporter has to do with anything. And as anyone, in any position of authority knows, Miss Petrov is a complete pain in the ass, and often will hide out when she’s made someone angry and it isn’t hard to figure out that she was poking around into the ins and out of every faction here especially since the crash and especially after the tensions started.”

    As you look around the room almost each and every head is nodding, minus the heads of the gmar, RUST tribe and scavenger’s guild representatives. The man who spoke, stands with his arms crossed, at the Tyzorg Corporation’s representative table. He looks to be in his early forties, with close cropped hair, slightly greying, and wearing a very nice off white suit with a silver tie.

    Riley looks annoyed, “Be that as it may, Mr. Gantz, we believe she may have information or evidence that will aid us in figuring out who did this.”

    As Pilgrim leans over and says something to the Precentor of ComStar, who then calls over an acolyte, when then leaves the room.

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    The presentation Empty Re: The presentation

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      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:25 pm